Thursday, May 24, 2012

Life Lesson #1

Here's the first lesson I've learned about life in the real world:

#1: Some times you really do get what you paid for. 

Take the cheap trash bags I am using to clean out my room for example - ultra thin, and they don't have a drawstring closure, so I had to cross my fingers that the tiny little knot I tied at the top wouldn't undo in an explosion of junk! Every single one of the seven trash bags I filled tore. I had to do that awkward bag hug - you know, where you try to use your arms to hold everything together as you carry the bag outside where it can become someone else's problem...

Seven trash bags? Three of actual trash, and four of clothes that I want to donate. Would you believe there still isn't room for everything in here? I guess I need to un-attach myself from some more stuff! I have a feeling that closer to the wedding I won't be caring as much about old college and high school memorabilia and it will be time to purge again. Next time with expensive heavy-duty trash bags on my side!

Many more lessons to come I'm sure!