Friday, May 18, 2012

If I had a dollar...

If I had a dollar for every time somebody asked me a variation of the question "What are your plans for after graduation", i'd be rich enough to not legitimately worry about the answer...

My name is Kendall. I am a newly graduated adult with a bachelors of social work degree. I've spent the last four years of my life learning, making amazing friends, studying in Uganda and Rwanda, and having an absolute blast in college. I laugh when I think about how I have been in school for the majority of my life - 17 out of 22 years!  I am amazed at the opportunities I have had, the places I have visited, the people I have met, and the changes I have witnessed in myself.

It's time to change roles. I will no longer identify myself as a "student" (though goodness knows I'll never stop learning), but will learn to accept my new position as an "adult" adventuring through the "real world".

A few things in my post-graduate life are certain: moving home for the summer, planning a wedding, getting married in September to David - the man of my dreams, and moving with him to Alabama while he finishes army flight school. Okay, so maybe I have more figured out than the typical college grad.... but the rest of my life is still spread open like a brand new journal, waiting for the adventures to be recorded. It's exciting and scary all at once.

I am starting this blog so that my friends and family can hear about the joys and trials of my journey after college. I am looking forward to seeing what the "real world" teaches me about life after graduation.