Monday, January 28, 2013

2 Things

1. Having Dave gone tonight allowed me to start my new workout regime with a Spanish Salsa video and an ab workout video on YouTube. We do plenty of silly and embarrassing things in front of each other, but I like to maintain that I am a decent dancer... I just know I looked like a crazy person trying to copy the hip rolls, booty shakes and salsa moves in our small living room. There was nothing graceful or sexy about me jerking around, trying to keep up and sweating profusely! So thankfully I could get my work out in and shower so I can look cute again when he gets home.

2. While thinking about my awkward salsa moves, I had this half hilarious/ half crazy idea. What if there was an invisible camera that was always a foot in front of your face, taping your facial expressions all day? Then at the end of the day you could watch it on fast forward and try to remember why you were making a certain face.... hopefully we would be smiling for the majority!