Saturday, June 2, 2012

My thoughts on Snow White (with a little extra)

It seems like the cinemas have caught Snow White fever! I just got back from seeing Snow White and the Huntsman with my mother and siblings. I honestly hated Disney's Snow White when I was a child, but I enjoyed this one!. I thought Kristen Stewart did a lot better in this film than I expected her to, and Charlize Theron did a great job playing the queen. Does anyone else remember her from Arrested Development where she play a much sweeter and more lovable role?

Here's a question, what is it with society and evil step mothers?? Snow White, Cinderella, Baroness Von Schrader from The Sound of Music.... they are like the character we love to hate. I sometimes wonder if this negative stereotype has affected our perceptions in real life as well...

I appreciated that this retelling of Snow White broke away from the typical Disney plot where a beautiful princess needs a prince to save the day. Sure, she still had true loves kiss, but it was from a character who fought along side her and respected her. In Disney's version doesn't he just stumble across her dead body, kiss her, and suddenly he is Mr. Perfect and they are hurried off to their wedding? The guy decides "oh hey, such a beautiful dead woman, I'd really like to kiss her", and it just so happens that he is a prince AND her true love. I've always been one for enjoying a movie for its entertainment value, and not getting too worked up over how the story was told, but as an audience member, I do enjoy getting to know the character before he whisks her off her feet. Plus, her true love was a commoner not a prince. Not to mention as a woman, I can really get into seeing a strong female character.

I'm not a feminist, but I do think that when the media portrays the female character as useless without her male counterpart it is a bit insulting. Aren't women heroes every day? Like the woman whose husband is deployed that looks out for other military wives,  the single mother who works two jobs and raises her children, the woman who is battling a disease but still makes an effort to help others, or even just the mom who brings her child's lunch to school because they forgot it at home. Every woman has a heroine inside them waiting to defeat the dragons life sets before them! That was my little "Girl Power" rant inspired by a trip to the movies :)

In other news, you may know that my wedding reception is going to be at a rod and gun club. I would like to thank Hollywood for starting a Snow White theme - my wedding will fit right in! Several times I have joked that maybe I should make my wedding Snow White themed. It fits! Snow White brings her prince back to the woods to celebrate with her huntsmen friends! Guess I don't have to work on my tan anymore!