It's good to be able to laugh at yourself! Here are two funny "Kendall Moments" that might make you smile:
1. Dave's parents bought us a CD at a concert they went to. Tonight, I popped it into my computer, downloaded it to iTunes, and couldn't wait to listen to it. So, I'm be-bopping around the apartment with the instrumental music playing in the background, and I keep thinking to myself "Wow, all of these songs sound very similar". Two hours later, I finally check my computer, and notice that I had been listening to the same song on repeat 29 times!! NO WONDER!
2. On Valentine's Day, I finally made that age-old mistake of washing reds with whites. I've never had an issue with my laundry colors bleeding into each other, but I got a good laugh when I pulled out a dish cloth that is now a nice shade of pink. I decided to think of it as my washing machine sending me a Valentine's Day smile :)