Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Funny Moments

It's good to be able to laugh at yourself! Here are two funny "Kendall Moments" that might make you smile:

1. Dave's parents bought us a CD at a concert they went to. Tonight, I popped it into my computer, downloaded it to iTunes, and couldn't wait to listen to it. So, I'm be-bopping around the apartment with the instrumental music playing in the background, and I keep thinking to myself "Wow, all of these songs sound very similar". Two hours later, I finally check my computer, and notice that I had been listening to the same song on repeat 29 times!! NO WONDER!

2. On Valentine's Day, I finally made that age-old mistake of washing reds with whites. I've never had an issue with my laundry colors bleeding into each other, but I got a good laugh when I pulled out a dish cloth that is now a nice shade of pink. I decided to think of  it as my washing machine sending me a Valentine's Day smile :)

Models for a day :)

Yesterday David and I got to do one of the coolest things ever - we got to re-live our newlywed bliss by being "models" in a wedding and engagement photo shoot! Sherei Jackson, the photographer, was looking to build her portfolio for a bridal expo she will be doing this month, and Dave and I were more than happy to help (I mean let's be honest, who would pass up an awesome chance to dress up again and have professional pictures taken?).  Sherei and her husband were so sweet, and invited us out to their family cabin to take pictures in the wheat fields and by their pond. We immediately became friends as we found that we had a lot in common, including our shared faith in the Lord! David and I had a blast chatting with them as we got ready and then posed for pictures.

I had hoped to get my wedding gown sent down, but it was far too expensive, and it would have needed to have all the wrinkles steamed out for it to look presentable. Instead, I brought my short reception dress, and thankfully fit perfectly into Sherei's dress that she was kind enough to let me wear.

Her home is so picturesque! Beautiful fields, an adorable log cabin, a pond, tree lined paths, and a fun hilly driveway that David and I "off-roaded" with the Jeep on our way home. We seriously dream of living in a place like that!

The pictures that she took came out fantastic. I would highly recommend her as a photographer! Here is the link to some of the pictures from yesterday:

David + Kendall | A Prince and his Princess

The title, A Prince and his Princess, is so fitting  - I feel like a princess every day I am with David. And look as him, all handsome and regal in his Army Dress Blues! <3 I felt so giddy and happy doing this photo shoot - and I think it shows!


Thursday, February 14, 2013

First Married Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!! 

I've had such a wonderful day! Here are the highlights of my first married Valentine's Day:

<3  The Valentine's Day party at the senior center was a blast!!

<3 It was my first time singing Karaoke - I serenaded everyone with "I'm gonna love you forever and ever, forever and ever, Amen." Thankfully my crowd was very easy to please!

<3 Watching a 98 year old lady get up and disco with the DJ...three times! She had the biggest smile on her face!

<3 Not exactly a highlight - but all the innuendos sparked by the holiday. The kitchen at the senior center reminded me of a ninth grade health class with all the inappropriate comments going around! Get a room please!!

<3 One of the seniors wore fishnet pants and died her hair pink for the occasion. While she was dancing some of the other seniors put dollar bills in the netting of her pants... something you don't see every day...hahahaha! Oh my...

<3 Getting a Finding Nemo Valentine from one of the seniors :)

<3 The SUN coming OUT and SHINING for the first time in WEEKS! Hallelujah!

<3 Coming home to a dozen roses, chocolates and candy

<3 Eating a delicious teriyaki steak and mashed potatoes dinner with Dave in his brief break between class and flying - and having plenty of leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

<3 Dave giving me Love Spell body lotion - he said it was the best smelling one in the store. I found this incredibly funny because back in high school, Love Spell was the scent of choice for perfume. Every popular girl wore it, and it drove the boys crazy! I never wore it, but always kind of wanted to :) Thanks Baby!

<3 Giving Dave the craft I made him :

<3 Can't wait till later when we can share the Valentine's day cake I made :) Along with baked Brie and strawberries... mmmmmmm.....come home soon Dave!!

I can't believe how blessed I am. Every day with Dave in my life is better than the day before. I feel like I am bursting with love!!


Happy Lent!

If you don't know, Lent is the forty days before Easter in which many Christian denominations practice fasting in preparation for our observance of Christ's death and resurrection. Growing up, we would identify something that had become almost an "idol" for us, something that would be difficult for us to go without, and then we would fast from it for the 40 days. The point was to lean on God for our strength when we were tempted to give in, and use it to help us get closer to God. Sometimes instead of fasting we would "add something" beneficial, like 20 minutes of prayer time every morning for 40 days, or reading a chapter of the Bible each day.

This year I am doing a little of both. Since I am not working, I have a considerable amount of free time. I find myself checking Facebook on my phone at least once an hour. It's fun to be up to date on what's going on with all my friends, but at the same time, it irritates me how much of a reflex it is to check Facebook and then get sucked into it. I know that I waste a lot of time on the site without meaning to. I am not going to completely fast from Facebook, (so don't be surprised if you see me post something) since I live so far away from friends and family and would like so still see what's going on, but I am going to significantly cut down how long I go on. Right now, I am setting the time for 15 min. each evening - enough time for a quick glance, and to answer any notifications or messages I may have. In a few weeks I will probably go down to every other day. This may sounds like cheating, and you may wonder why I don't just cold turkey turn it off for 40 days, but I am using this as an excuse to practice better self control - something I will carry on after the 40 days are over.

More importantly, Dave and I are ADDING daily devotion/ Bible studies. We have gotten so busy, and mixed up with his ever changing work hours we had fallen behind, so now we are going to get back to where we need to be.

Last night I came across a verse that hit home to me why we do lent. The context of the verse is that Israel was continuing to do evil in the sight of the Lord, even after He had saved them from slavery in Egypt. They had stopped putting their trust in the Lord, and were worshiping false idols.

"They followed worthless idols, and themselves became worthless" 2 Kings 17:15

This made me think about the worthless things that we spend our time chasing and worshiping - money, fame, status, popularity etc... Let's not worship worthless idols, and ourselves become worthless.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Happy February 1st!! 

Today marks 5 months of being married for David and I, as well as the first day of my favorite months!!

Why is this month so wonderful?  Well for one, almost 23 years ago I was born!

February 1st: Our Wedding Monthaversary! yay!

February 14th- Valentine's Day <3  (my first married one) I have always loved Valentine's Day. This year I will be helping out with the Valentine's Day party at the senior center. I can't wait to decorate and enjoy a fun afternoon of fellowship, music and maybe some dancing if Dave can come with me! I also want to carry on a tradition my friend Laura started in college of making a heart shaped cake for her friends to share. Thanks Laura! I am stealing your idea this year and making one too!

February 21st- my 23rd birthday! I honestly couldn't remember the other day how old I was going to be. I thought to myself  "is it 23? wait no...that sounds too old...have I been 22 yet?". I am hoping to bring ice cream over to the senior center that day, as is the custom when it is somebody's birthday. :) I've been receiving happy birthday coupons from all my favorite stores which is fun, even though I don't plan on doing a shopping spree. For some reason it just feels special when your birthday is recognized, even if it is in an effort to make you buy something...

Also, for reasons I cannot yet reveal, I am very excited about this weekend! More on that in a few days!!!

When I think of February, I feel all giddy and smiley. Something about the Pink and purple heart decorations and the thought of celebrating love is just too much fun! I really think I should be some kind of activities coordinator at a nursing home or something because I just love to decorate and celebrate!