Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 1: 2015 Handstand Challenge

Have you ever had a fitness goal hit you randomly and then suddenly become the best idea ever?? This one time I thought I wanted to run the Boston Marathon. Then I remembered that running is literally The.Worst.Way.To.Exercise. (no offense to all you out there who do run, I'm secretly jealous that you're able to find enjoyment in an activity that is pure torture for me). Needless to say you won't be seeing me at the nearest Color Run (do people ever choke on that chalk stuff they throw at the runners? It looks awful. Like I'm already running, and now I can't breathe because there's chalky dye being thrown at my face? I'm not trying to have a full blown asthma attack here.)

Anyways, for whatever reason, I have been hit with this burning desire to walk on my hands. It literally looks like so much fun, and I have no explanation as to why. So therefore, my newest Bucket List item for 2015 is that I would like to be able to walk, or at least stand on my hands by the end of the year.

I got on Pinterest and have been researching like crazy how to actually go about training for such a feat (suggestions welcome), and this looks like it's going to be a little harder than I was expecting, given that standing on your hands is mostly about balance, of which I have none.. But we all have to start somewhere!

So here we are, Day 1. I did some push ups. and by push ups I mean exactly ten modified knee push ups before I died. Tomorrow I'll make it 12.

I took some pics so you can laugh at my shoddy technique and tucked in shirt:

Yay! Tucked in shirt!  Big smile because I know I'm gonna look goofy! 
Hey! If you turn this photo upside down, it will give you an idea what I am going for :)

One of the first steps is mastering a 90 degree angle to the wall, which I swear I achieved for the split second before this photo was taken. I realize this looks like a bad twerking video, I swear that's not what I was going for- though now that I've tried this pose I have a lot more respect for the physical endurance it would take to maintain this position. 

I think this is the Grasshopper position or something. Funny story, this girl in middle school used to make fun of me by calling me a "grasshopper" because of my long legs and the way I hop when I walk. I'm gonna embrace it now and channel my inner grasshopper. Gotta work on that balance. 

Practice makes..progress!  (Ignore the pile of stuff on the floor behind me, I'm slowly cleaning out my closet for GoodWill) 

I'm thinking I'll give weekly updates as a way of motivating myself to stick to it! Thanks for your support!