I keep this blog for friends and family who want to hear about my life, and also because I enjoy putting my thoughts and experiences out there. I like to pretend that I have avid readers who can't wait to hear about my next adventure (even if that is probably a bit of a stretch). :) I've taken a break from blogging this past month mostly because I have been incredibly busy, but also because I got a nasty round of comments that ruined blogging for me for a bit.
I got several nasty comments this spring that honestly left me in tears. There was one in particular that ripped Dave and I to pieces and left me shocked. I spent several days obsessed with looking through my Facebook friends and trying to figure out who would write those kind of things, because, yes, whoever did was cowardly and left his or her thoughts anonymously. (Really people? Can't you own up to your words if that's what you really think?) My hope is that those several comments were actually just incredibly bored strangers that stumbled upon my blog and decided to ruin my day.
So here's the deal: No more comments on my blog, but feel free to contact me personally if you want to chat about a post. Also, if you don't like me, or if you don't like hearing what is going on in my life, please feel free to stop reading my blog!
Okay, enough of that serious stuff. Thank you to all of my friends and family who read and support my blog, I hope you continue to enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it!