I'm so proud of my guy. Becoming an Apache pilot has been his dream for years - it took 6 long years of paying his dues to get to flight school, and then an incredible amount of dedication to make it through the program. In three weeks, I will have the huge honor of pinning wings on his chest - the symbol of an Army Aviator. I couldn't be more proud if I tried.
We recently discovered two cool date correlations that made us smile:
* Dave's first flight of flight school was March 26th 2012, and his last flight was March 26th 2013 - exactly one year apart!
* The date Dave got his civilian helicopter license was May 2nd, and the date of his flight school graduation, earning his wings, and becoming an Army helicopter pilot will also be May 2nd.
Making these discoveries felt like a little confirmation that this has all been part of a greater plan for Dave's life.
I can't wait to pin those wings!
Here's a picture of the painting we just bought a copy of and had framed as an early graduation gift:
This painting is called "Deliverance" by Dru Blair. It is one of Dave's favorites.