But now that I am over a month away from our wedding day, I am missing the days of plans and pre-marital excitement a little bit. I'm like a recovering addict, and my wedding was my addiction. I don't know a bride that wouldn't agree that it's hard not to think about it a lot during the day when you are about to be married. However, life moves on, and I now know the joy of being a wife. I'm not completely used to the idea yet, but so far, it has been everything I hoped for and more. Despite my intense happiness, I still catch myself trying to get a hit off that wedding buzz again.
Here are the top things "I do" as a recovering bride:
I still pin wedding ideas on Pinterest - and then I get a little disappointed because I can't actually use them in my wedding anymore!
I look through our wedding pictures every day. I seriously cannot get enough of how perfect the day was. If I could live it all over again, I totally would!
I cannot wait to get the mail every day. Even though the RSVPs and wedding cards have stopped coming, I am still kicking the urge to check the mail several times a day. I'm like one of Pavlov's dogs - I was conditioned those last few months by finding something fun and exciting every time I opened the mailbox! I make poor Dave stop at the apartment mailboxes every time we drive past just to check. :)
My heart will skip a beat or two when somebody calls me "Mrs. Berry" or when I get introduced as "Dave's wife". It takes me a minute to realize it's true. It's still SO COOL.
I think of perfect wedding related blog posts that I hope to someday write.
Every once in a while I catch myself thinking "I don't ever want this visit to be over!". This past year I visited Dave in Alabama a few times and it was always so hard to leave. But now I am finally at the "someday" we were looking forward to when I wouldn't have to leave anymore. It's so nice!
And the top thing I do as a recovering bride: is look at Dave and think "I want to marry that man!" - oh wait, I did!!
Photo by Brett Crawford - http://brettcrawfordphoto.com/